National Task Force for Therapy Equality Thanks Assemblyman Evan Low for Withdrawing “Must Stay Gay” Bill

September 5, 2018
Christopher Doyle, 703-367-0894
National Task Force for Therapy Equality Thanks Assemblyman Evan Low for Withdrawing “Must Stay Gay” Bill
Washington, D.C. – On August 31, 2018, California Assemblyman Evan Low withdrew AB 2943, also known as the “Must Stay Gay”, bill from consideration on the last day of the California legislature. AB 2943 was an egregious violation of free speech, client rights, and religious freedom that threatened to violate the protected speech between licensed therapists and clients who seek therapy for unwanted sexual and gender identity conflicts.
The National Task Force would like to thank Assemblyman Low for listening to the hundreds of former homosexuals that testified against this bill and the thousands of members of the faith community that opposed it.
David Pickup, licensed marriage and family therapist and Task Force Co-Founder said the following in response:
“This over-reaching bill would have led to potentially more depression, anxiety and suicidality for clients who believe their unwanted attractions were not caused by in-born or genetic traits. When treated with effective, ethical psychotherapy, these clients experience a natural reduction and/or dissipation of homosexual feelings as they resolve the underlying traumatic causes. AB 2943 would have caused more undue harm and trauma for these clients, and we thank Assemblyman Low for listening to all those who opposed this bill.”
Christopher Doyle, licensed clinical professional counselor and Task Force Co-Founder, added:
“Taking away a client’s right to choose the life they want to live would have also violated their sincerely held religious beliefs, as counselors and therapists working with and for churches would have faced serious persecution and could have even been prosecuted. This bill would have also made it illegal for a church or faith-based ministry to offer a seminar on sexual wholeness that charged a registration fee – a clear government overreach that would have violated our Constitutional rights of free speech and religion. We are grateful that Assemblyman Low saw the major flaws in this bill and withdrew it, and we look forward to productive dialogue in the future so that everyone’s rights for therapy may be respected.”
The National Task Force for Therapy Equality will continue to inform the public about the future of legislative efforts in California and nationwide,l to restrict the therapy rights of clients who experience unwanted sexual and gender identity conflicts as they continue to fight for the rights of all persons who seek professional, ethical licensed therapy.
Please e-mail the Task Force to request an interview with interview with David Pickup and/or Christopher Doyle.
The National Task Force for Therapy Equality is a coalition of licensed psychotherapists, psychiatrists, physicians, public policy organizations, and psychotherapy clients/patients from across the United States of America. Their purpose is to secure therapy equality for clients that experience distress over unwanted same-sex attractions and identity conflicts. For more information, visit: